Moving business owners from
surviving to thriving.

I can show any business owner in less than 45 minutes
how to triple their leads, double their sales, and
increase revenue by thousands without
additional marketing or advertising

short story

of one business owner

Many of us started our businesses to gain control over our lives–to get out from under the boss, to pursue dreams of riches, because of a lost job, to expand a passion or a hobby, to make some extra cash, to gain freedom or achieve independence.But very few of us were prepared for the struggles of building a business and fighting in that arena day after day to eke out an existence on our own terms.We know in our heart of hearts that it should be better, that it CAN be better, and we are where we are not for a lack of trying of working hard, but because something is missing, and for all we try we can’t figure it out.It eludes us.We don’t know who to ask or what to ask, because we don’t know what we don’t know.This is my story.I am currently running my fourth business: I started the first at age 11.The shortest run I had lasted a couple of years, and the longest was just about 15. My first business, at age 11, was..

Without leads your business will fail to even survive.

Sell more without wasting time on increasing effort.

Dramatically reduce the cost of growing your business.

Are you ready to charge double the competition and still be viewed as a steal?

Stop making the mistake that almost every business owner makes, yes, even the Fortune 100's.

Don't work for your business. Have your business work for you.

I Want To Thrive

Gain access to our free resources that will help your business to move from survival to Thirval, and if you want us to contact you specifically about our services just click in the check boxes below as to your interest.

Let Us Move You Towards Abundance

From Do-It-Yourself to Instructor-Led training and coaching to Business-Owner Advisory and Done-For-You Consulting we provide a full range of services to address your specific business needs.

Self-Guided E-Learning System

A full business strategy and marketing online and self directed learning system.

Start with a quick 30 question assessment to identify where you need to focus and then start taking classes and applying the tools provided to grow your business.

Instructor Led Training

Over 130 full-day courses on a range of business topics from Time Management to Sales Coaching led by our instructors at your facility or a local facility

Key Note

Our founder, Roy Pellicano, can motivate your audience about the Veil of illusion and the path from survival to Thirval and how one moves from survival to Thrival by focusing on the three core patterns: Needs, Wants, and Values


Seminar topics can include, Business Mastery, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Product Management, Business Process Optimization, Digital Transformation, and IT Process Management


Workshops are interactive sessions designed to brainstorm ideas, provide group feedback, and stimulate creativity around critical strategic business needs


It is a truism that it is easier to see other’s problems than our own; this is is the setting for a powerful tool for the business owner/manager to benefit from not only solving their problems but learning by helping solve the problems of other business owners


For the business owner/manager who is looking to grow their business to the next level FAST; get individualized and sole access to the coach with no one else involved; while taking advantage of the group process as well

Mentorship Program

As you grow, you may want to become a mentor to others and get paid to do so.

This program allows you to become the coach and gain full access to our resources and lead your own business caachees through their growth cycle


The lack of accountability is a significant factor in business failure; engage a team of advisors who will support the development of your goals and the milestones towards accomplishing them and then hold your accountable while providing guidance and advice

Established Businesses

There are 5 transitions in a businesses life cycle that can create difficulties for the business; our team of advisors will stay with your business acting as a Board of Directors to help you stay focused on running your business and keeping from being run by your business

Business Process Optimization

Maturity and alignment of an organization’s core capabilities through the operationalization workflows is critical to successful growth and ultimately the development of freedom and independence for the business owner-achieving Thrival; we will work directly with your team to identify problems and weaknesses and turn them into opportunities and strengths

Digital Agency

Through our strategic processes we help you strengthen your business model, revenue model, products and offerings, so it is just natural that we will help you with the actual work of marketing yourself; but, don’t be confused by the term Digital Agency, as we are just as focused on the omni-channel communications and love to bridge the physical-digital divide in marketing